Or…what I wish I brought to Spain the first time

Stocking up on feminine supplies and dual-converter flat irons because Emily said so!

Spain with Emily

The first time I was moving to Spain as a language assistant, my mom oversaw most of my packing. The second and third time are none of your business. JKJK, obvi she was there to put her two cents in as well, mostly to ask if I had enough of all the things I didn’t know I needed the first time I left, or maybe to look for my passport. That’s a story for another day.

In any case, although I really though I was packing pretty much my entire life up with me when I left, there were quite a few things I could have really used more, or any of, when I went abroad.

Note: this post includes affiliate links, but if you use them, you’ll be a happy camper in Spain or wherever else abroad, and I’ll make like 3 cents off your purchase. Win-win.

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I spent…

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